Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

[NEXT PROGRAM] English Contest '12 Se-Wilayah III Cirebon Tingkat SMP/MTS dan SMA/MA/SMK

We're BACK by giving the newest information.
It's from Professional Development Division who has made new program, annual program which is the big and competence event: ENGLISH CONTEST!

English Contest '12 will be held in all areas in Cirebon: Kota Cirebon, Kab.Cirebon, Kuningan, Majalengka, and Indramayu.
It will be held on February 6 until February 9, 2012.
The Events/contest will be competed are:
1. Debate Contest (85.000 IDR /group)
2. Speech Contest (60.000 IDR/person)
3. Essay Contest ( 55.000 IDR/person)
4. News Reading Contest ( 60.000 IDR/person)

contact person:
Niko Saputra: 085295960991
Wawan Hermawan:085759786782
Kiky Rizky:087829359593

for further information, you can check on our facebook fanpage: EDSA
or our twitter account: @oneEDSA

Now, Check out the Pamflet:

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