Kamis, 08 September 2011


A transition period of executive organization of students The State College for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Cirebon, it makes student’s reaction to form the organization under the chief of English Department advising. And as known “Students Association of program Study (HMPS)”. In this case English education department pioneered by Mr. Thoyyib Akhyar (Alm) as chief of English Education Department (TBI) which name “YES” ( The Youth English Students), Opened on 12 September 1997 by Drs. H. Djono as the chief of the state college for Islamic studies (STAIN) Cirebon at time.

The forming of HMPS with a name “YES” (The Youth English) by TBI (English Department) expected can create educative situation, especially to students of English education department ( TBI). The Youth English Students (YES) also expected can motivate students to get spirit for learning English anymore.

The Youth English Students (YES) didn’t run for any longer in that time, because at that moment there is no guidance of students organizations for HMPS stages. Cause it, made silent and quite during one year in The Youth English Students (YES).

Newly in the year 1998, to the policy of chief English Education Department (TBI) change name of the Youth English Students (YES) become “English Program Students Association (EPSA).” This matter happened, because The Youth English Students didn’t show totality in organization yet. And now EPSA runs base on the experiences before, finally EPSA can walk and run duty and commendation which bringing of. And the last EPSA can develop and exist with its name in this beloved campus STAIN Cirebon.

That is brief history about EPSA. For deeper inquiring, student can contact official member of EPSA.

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